Life, love and the blues.
Hey, i've got something to tell you
Say, i wanna tell you about these three things.
First you have life.
You open your eyes and you have life.
Next, you look around and then you´re in love
I mean love.
And then see that nothing lasts forever,
The big b comes around and sucks you,
That is the mighty blues.
I lived my life with passion
I love the way i feel
What if i did it any other way,
It wouldn't be me.
Some say the road is easy
Others find it hard,
But i am here to tell you the news
Wouldn't mean nothing without the blues.
I said life, love and the blues.
Life, love and the blues.
I've been loved, been loved, left alone.
I've been had 'cause i've been bad,
Broke some hearts in my own.
I know the blues got me through,
I´m here to tell you, when you got the blues,
Oh, you're never, never alone.
I said, life, love and the blues.
Ain't nothing like life, sweet love and the blues.
First you have life,
You open your eyes and you're alive,
And then, next, you look around and then you´re in love.
I mean love.
And then here comes, here comes the big b,
The blues.
Ain't nothing like, nothing like love and the blues.
Said life, sweet love and the blues.
Ain't nothing like, ain't nothing like the blues.
We've been in love, been in love
Left alone.
Ain't nothing like,
Nothing like life, sweet love, and the blues.
When you got the blues,
Ain't nothing like, ain't nothing like the blues
Wouldn't mean nothing without the blues
I said life, sweet love and the blues.
I'm here to tell you about life, love and the blues.
經典從第一首(保羅·安卡/Paul Anka)《My Way》聆賞開始⋯⋯唱出箇中滋味⋯⋯歷久彌新⋯⋯老歌好聽。《My Way》是一首歐美著名英文流行曲,音樂旋律源自法國曲子《如同以往》,歌曲優美(艾維斯·普里斯萊/Elvis Presley)「貓王」也翻唱過的勵志歌曲。中文版歌名《奪標》忘記背後努力面前,鼓勵往夢想與理想目標奔去!這是一首風靡全球,讓人回顧喜愛的西洋老歌。 謝謝分享,祝福日安。
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