20161025(80)—House cleaning

20161025(80)—House cleaning

The house painter messed up the color!
Pet sitting makes a lot of money.
I mixed up the car keys with my wife's car keys
I messed up the homework so I got an F.
pet sitting is like baby sitting
Music lessons are useful for your child.
You meet many new friends while language tutoring.
Financial services help you manage your money
House cleaning is hard work!
house cleaning, music lessons, financial services, essay typing
Money grows money
odd-jobman; handyman
Essay typing needs some fast fingers!
Handyman services, examined, delivered, reasonable
My car was examined for damage to the brake
Is he a reasonable person to talk to or is he unreasonable to talk to?
The package I ordered from the internet was delivered very fast.
Some telemarketers are unreasonable to talk to!
Pet sitting
Language tutoring

