武则天 We Zetian: The Lady Leader in Chinese History

武则天 We Zetian: The Lady Leader in Chinese History


“In the thousandsof years of recorded Chinese
history, no other woman has wielded the same
level of direct control over so many people as
Wu Zetian did”
Of course, Wu Zetian was clearly a dangerous

 person to know,
particularly if you were standing in
the way of her route to power. But
countless male emperors who had
been equally ruthless weren’t treated
as anomalies or monsters.

she has become a figure of fascination to
later generations in China, even
inspiring a multi-part soap opera
in recent years. For even though
China has progressed hugely over
the past 1,300 years, no other
woman in the country’s history has
ever had such direct influence over
so many of her compatriots, nor
used it so effectively.

