


It's been six years already. I have never told this story before. But I know he did get back to his planet. Because at daybreak I didn't find his body. At night I love listening to the stars. It is like five hundred million little bells. Something extraordinary has happened. When I draw that muzzle for the little prince, I forgot to put the leather strap. And then I wonder what's happened there on his planet.
Maybe...maybe the sheep has eaten the flower.
Look up at the sky. You'll how see everything changes...
And no grown-up will ever understand all such thing could be so important.
If you should travel to Africa someday in the desert. I beg you not hurry passed, wait, wait a little. Just under the star. Then if a child comes to you who laughs, if he's golden hair, if he doesn't answer your questions. You know who he is. If this should happen, be kind. Don't let me go on being so upset. Send me a word immediately taht he has come back.
