38-Ore as in Core

38-Ore as in Core


Ore as in Core

Jim wants to score a goal.

Lila hears her dad snore.

Tony has a sore throat.

Pat goes to the store with his parents.

Buddy tore up the newspaper.

Tara wore a red cap.


The Chore, the Snore, and the Sore

Every day Ben had a chore.

He got milk at the store.

One day, on his way to the store, he heard a loud and terrible snore!

He had never heard this by the store before.

Oh my!

Ben went in back of the store to hear more.

He found a lion whose paw was sore.


Ben helped the lion to the shore.

He washed the paw that was sore.

They became friends forever more!

Okay, babies, now let's review some of The -ore Word Family

before, bore, chore, core, fore, gore, lore, more, score, shore, snore, sore, store, tore, wore


Okay, congratulations babies, you have learned ore as in core.


