(带文稿)0116 纳尼? fast 还可作动词和名词,还和减肥有关?(文末小测)

(带文稿)0116 纳尼? fast 还可作动词和名词,还和减肥有关?(文末小测)



       Fast 竟然有禁食的意思?!!没想到吧!赶紧查查!

       开局一张图,间歇禁食(Intermittent Fast)的时间表(schedule)

        感觉这个有点像道教里的辟谷,不过没有辟谷那么夸张。不得不提醒下,虽然禁食会促进细胞自噬,激发活力(大概解释了为啥肥宅看起来比较老,比如90后乔碧萝...哔。不过详解还是要谷歌2016诺贝尔生理医学奖,老邪三两句讲不清)。但是!But !However!Yet!Nevertheless!Nonetheless!有些童鞋不适合长时间禁食,比如低血糖(有的童鞋澡堂洗澡洗着洗着就昏过去了的这种),胃酸逆流(烧心),胃溃疡的娃儿。具体怎么操作还是看看文章怎么说,其实吧,肥宅能管住不吃宵夜不吃零食都费劲,禁食真是想太多了叭 TAT


        The latest diet trend in America is also an ancient human activity. The activity is fasting, or not eating food for a set amount of time.

       Social media apps and Facebook groups are appearing for people who do “intermittent fasting,” or fasting on a part-time basis.

        Different approaches

        Like other diets, intermittent fasting helps you lose weight by setting limits on eating. But instead of limiting what you eat, it limits when you eat.

One of the more popular approaches to intermittent fasting is called “time-restricted feeding.” It is not as difficult as some of the other approaches, since the fasting period can include the time you are sleeping.

        The basic idea of time-restricted feeding is to limit eating to an eight-hour period. You then fast during the day’s other 16 hours.

        Many people make the eating period shorter or longer. Some eat just one meal a day.

      In other approaches, people fast several days during a week. On fasting days, some people may permit themselves around 600 calories.

        Whatever the approach, people are not supposed to overeat when they stop fasting.

           Supporters and critics

        Melissa Breaux Bankston is a Crossfit instructor in New Orleans, Louisiana. She tried intermittent fasting as a way to reduce her snacking. “I wanted to limit the amount of time that I was eating,” she said.

          Studies on the potential health benefits of intermittent fasting are still limited, including for its effectiveness with weight loss.

        For now, limited research suggests it may not be any better for weight loss than reducing calorie intake over the long term.

        “It’s really another way of fooling your body into eating less calories,” said Krista Varady, who studies intermittent fasting at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

        Courtney Peterson, of the University of Alabama at Birmingham, also studies intermittent fasting. She suggested the benefits of intermittent fasting are not as great as some might suggest. “Unfortunately, intermittent fasting gets a little hyped,” she said.

        Is intermittent fasting right for you?

        Some health experts say intermittent fasting might be too difficult for many people. They point to a study of 100 people where those placed in a fasting group lost about the same amount of weight as those on diets that restricted calories. The fasting group had a dropout rate of 38 percent, compared with 29 percent for the caloric-restriction diet group.

    But intermittent fasting may be easier for people who already skip meals when they are too busy, said Varady.

        People interested in intermittent fasting should talk to their doctor before trying it. Health experts do not recommend intermittent fasting for children, people on some medications and people with a history of eating disorders.

            I’m John Russell.


What does the story say about “time-restricted feeding”?

A. It is far more difficult than other intermittent fasting approaches.

B. Scientists have shown it to be very effective for weight loss.

C. The fasting period can include the time that you are sleeping.

D. None of the above options is correct about “time-restricted feeding."

What does the story say about different approaches to fasting?

A. People should be careful about not overeating.

B. Different fasting approaches show similar weight loss results.

C. Different approaches permit vitamin and water supplements.

D. People can overeat when they break their fasts

What does the story say about the evidence for intermittent fasting?

A. The evidence of health benefits in humans is very strong.

B.  The evidence does not match the claims about it.

C.  Fasting trials in rats and mice have been very promising.

D.  Fasting improves blood lipid profiles in older adults.

What does the story say about intermittent fasting?

A. Intermittent fasting is probably not for everyone.

B. Children should probably not do intermittent fasting.

C. People with a history of eating disorders should avoid it.

D. The story says all of the above things about intermittent fasting.

Words in This Story

trend – n. something that is currently popular or fashionable

approach – n. a way of doing or thinking about something

hormone – n. a natural substance that is produced in the body and that influences the way the body grows or develops

hype – v. informal to talk or write about (something or someone) in a way that is intended to make people excited or interested

skip – v. to not do (something that is usual or expected)

disorder – n. medical : a physical or mental condition that is not normal or healthy


