Elementary - Daily Life - What's your name again?(C0008)
M: Hello, English learners and welcome backto English pod. My name is Marco.
E: AndI'm Erica.
M: How are you Erica?
E: Michael, I'm doing really well today.
M: You’re excited.
E: Aha! We've got a great lesson foreveryone.
M: Yes, we have a really common situationwhere we're going to use real English, right?
E: Yeah,everyday English, English that people really use.
M: And that's what we want you to learn. Whatare we talking about today Specifically?
E: Today we have a really common situationthat is a little bit embarrassing.
M: Alright, an embarrassing situation. So,let's listen to the dialogue for the first time and it's going to be kind offast.
E: Yeah, but don't worry if you don'tunderstand everything, because after ten minutes, you'll understand everything.
M: Perfect. All right, that's listening.
E: Wow, Nick forgot her name.
M: Yeah, that's happened to me a couple oftimes, and I'm going to tell you about a little bit later.
E: OK, alright, well, let's start with ourthree language takeaways.
Voice:Language takeaway
M: So, our first word on the language takeawayis in a bit of a hurry.
E: Ina bit of a hurry.
M: In a bit of a hurry.
E: In a bit of a hurry.
M: So Nick was in a hurry.
E: Yeah, that's right. This is a greatphrase, so let's listen to three examples of how you can use this phrase.
Voice: Example One.
Canyou drive faster? I'm in a bit of a hurry.
Voice: Example Two.
Ican't talk right now. I'm in a bit of a hurry.
Voice: Example Three.
I'min a bit of a hurry, so I'll check these files later.
M: Okay, so it's clear now. Basically, itmeans that you don't have time.
E: You're moving really quickly.
M: OK, perfect. Now let's look at our secondlanguage takeaway word and it’s contactdetails.
E: Contact details.
M: Contact details.
E: Contact details.
M: So what are your contact details?
E: Basically, this is the information you canfind on your business card.
M: All right, so we have like our name, ourtelephone number,
E: Your email address, perhaps your mobilephone number,
M: So all the useful information so peoplecan get in touch with you,
E: Yeah, so people can phone you or emailyou. OK, so contact details.
M: Great. OK, so our third word is slipped my mind.
E: Slipped my mind.
M: Slipped my mind.
E: Slipped my mind.
M: So this is a funny phrase. It's kind ofstrange, right?
E: Yeah, slipped my mind. It sounds veryweird
M: Exactly.
E: OK, so now we're going to listen to twoexamples of this phrase. Try and see if you can figure out what it means.
Voice: Example One.
I'm sorry I forgotto respond to your email. It just slipped my mind.
Voice: Example Two.
Don't you know what date is today? Oh, it'syour birthday. It completely slipped my mind.
E: Ah, so slipped my mind is like I forgot
M: You forgot something.
E: So…
M: Accidentally
E: Right.
M: Okay, great. Now it's time for putting it together.
Voice:Putting it together.
M: All right, Erica, why don't you tell ourlisteners what putting it together is .
E: Well, putting it together helps you putlanguage together. It helps you be more fluent by knowing how words fittogether.
M: Great. So let's look at our first phrasetoday, and it's around here
E: Around here.
M: Around here.
E: Around here. So this is like close by.
M: Close by, right, I can say, for example,is there a bank around here?
E: Yeah, yeah, I'm so that is there a bankclose to here.
M: Exactly
E: Now. This phrase around here we can changeit a little bit, and it means something a little bit different.
M: Right.
E: I could say, Marco, there's a great restaurantright around the corner.
M: Right, and that would mean there is agreat restaurant on the other street.
E: Yeah.
M: Around the corner.
E: Yeah.
M: Great, or we have another example. We cansay around there.
E: Around there.
M: Right. So, for example, I can say LosAngeles is a great city. I used to live around there.
E: So you used to live near Los Angeles.
M: Exactly.
E: Alright.
M: It's a really good phrase and it's reallycommon.
E: Yeah, now our next phrase and putting ittogether is terrible with.
M: Terrible with.
E: Terrible with.
M: Terrible with. So we have a couple ofexamples that will show you how this phrase works.
Voice: Example One.
You're terrible with numbers, you can'tremember your own telephone number.
Voice: Example Two.
I am terrible with directions. I'm alwaysgetting lost.
Voice: Example Three.
I'm terrible with faces. I can never rememberwhat people look like.
E: Wow, I understand that I am also terriblewith numbers I can barely add two plus two.
M: Well, yeah, I guess not everyone is anumbers person. I'm terrible with the faces. I sometimes forget what peoplelook like.
E: Really?
M: Yeah.
E: Oh,
M: So I think it's time now for us to listento our dialogue a second time.
E: OK, This time, the dialogue will be alittle bit slower. So try and listen for some of the words we've just talkedabout.
M: So, it's more clear now. You can understand a lot better, right?
E: Yeah, that's true.
M: Great. So now it's time for us to take alook at fluency builder.
Voice:Fluency Builder.
E: So with Fluency Builder, we take some verysimple phrases and show you how you can be more fluent or how you can…
M: Sound more native.
E: Yeah.
M: Great in the beginning of the dialogue,Anna said Nick, How's it going?
E: Yeah, this is a great phrase. It soundsreally really natural, you know, sometimes I hear students say “How are you?”…
M: Or “how are you doing?”.
E: Those are two great phrases, but this onesounds really really natural.
M: It just sounds more casual.
E: Yeah, let's listen again to that phrasefrom the dialogue.
Voice:How's it going? How's it going?
M: Great. So next time that you find a friendon the street, you can just say, Hey, How's it going?
E: Yeah, so, Marco have you ever forgottensomeone's name?
M:Yeah, it's happened to me a couple oftimes, and actually the most embarrassing situation was that I forgot a familymember’s name.
E: No… a family member’s name…
M: We had like a family reunion, and thereare a lot of aunts and uncles and cousins that I hadn't seen in a while, and Ijust forgot one of my uncles’ names and I was…
E: Oh oh, that's pretty embarrassing.
M: Yeah.
E: So, what did you do?
M: Well, I had to ask one of my other cousinslike: “Hey, who is that guy? Is he that Uncle John?” and like: “oh, man, Itotally forgot.” Yeah, so it was really embarrassing because I didn’t know whatto call him, so I just called him uncle. Cause I didn’t know his name.
E: Hi, Uncle.
M: Yeah.
E: Oh, yeah, so when that happens to me whenI'm in a business setting, sometimes what I do is I ask for someone's card.
M: Ah, yeah. That's the good technique.
E: Yeah,or sometimes I might ask them to write down their email. Cause usually theirfull name is spelled out in their email address. So that's my trick when I'veforgotten someone's name.
M: That's a good trick and there is a lot ofour listeners can take your advice on that.
E: OK, so I think it's time for us to listento our dialogue one more time, this time at natural speed.
E: Well, I hope that you've all enjoyed ourlesson for today and remember to check out our website at EnglishPod.com…
M: Where youcan find a lot of other resources and you can leave all your questions andcomments.
E: Yeah Marco and I are always on this site,so we’re happy to answer all of your questions.
M: Exactly. So now it's time for us to say…
E: Goodbye.
contact details联系信息
in a bit of hurry赶时间