【24节气英语说】小寒 Minor Cold

【24节气英语说】小寒 Minor Cold


24 Solar Terms: 5 things you may not know about Minor Cold

Minor Cold is the 23rd solar term of the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms. For most areas of China, it marks the start of the coldest days of the year. This year's Minor Cold starts on Jan 6. Many Chinese sayings use the weather and climate situation during Minor Cold to predict the weather in the following spring.

Still, bitter cold can't prevent people from enjoying their lives. Here are some things that help us stay warm during Minor Cold.

Stocking up for New Year
During Minor Cold, people always start stocking New Year goods, which include Spring Festival couplets, New Year pictures, paper-cuts for window decoration, fire crackers, incense and lanterns.

Mutton hot pot, chestnuts and baked sweet potato
Mutton hot pot, chestnuts and baked sweet potato are three recommended foods for Minor Cold. According to traditional Chinese medicine theories, people need to eat food that contains more yang energy to prevent cold from harming their organs. The yang energy in the three types of food is strengthened through their method of cooking: boiling, stir frying and baking.
Beef, sesame, walnuts, almonds and raisins are also good choices for Minor Cold.

Eating Laba porridge
Another important traditional food for Minor Cold is Laba porridge. It is made from more than 20 kinds of nuts, cereals and dried fruits. Local people in Beijing often cook Laba porridge on the night of the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month. After one night's slow simmering, all the ingredients melt into the porridge in the morning of the eighth day, becoming a warm delicacy to enjoy on cold days.

Tasting Nanjing vegetable rice
People in Nanjing used to take Minor Cold quite seriously, and they still keep a custom of eating vegetable rice to celebrate this solar term. The rice is steamed with aijiaohuang (a kind of green vegetable), sausage and salted duck that are all the specialties in Nanjing.

Making Chinese traditional herbal medicine
Minor Cold is also the busiest time for doctors and pharmacies of traditional Chinese medicine. Many people need them to prepare new medicines, which will be consumed before the Lunar New Year.

  • 木乙木鱼糖


    小赤兔兔 回复 @木乙木鱼糖: 牛肉、芝麻、核桃、杏仁和葡萄干也是轻微感冒的好选择。 吃腊八粥 小寒的另一个重要传统食物是腊八粥。它由20多种坚果、谷类食品和干果制成。北京当地人常在农历十二月初七晚上煮腊八粥。经过一个晚上的慢炖,所有的食材在第八天早上融化成粥,成为寒冷天气里可以享用的温暖美味。 品尝南京菜饭 南京人以前对小寒很重视,现在还保留着吃蔬菜饭的习惯,以庆祝这个节气。米饭是用南京的特色菜艾角黄、香肠和咸鸭蒸的。 制作中草药 小寒也是中医药医生和药房最忙的时候。许多人需要他们准备新药,这些药将在农历新年前食用。

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  • Phoenix二宝妈

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  • 湘_虚舟


    Lanli_Yang 回复 @湘_虚舟: 如果你能力足够,至少百分之七八十能够听懂 如果你意愿足够,动动手扫一扫就翻译好了 什么时候人们觉得得到想要的完美结果是理所当然了呢

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    流风之子 回复 @李立娟_oe: 穿越时空的思念钢琴版

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