Percy Jackson is awesome,way better than Jason Grace
Dinokaka 回复 @Zaxing: agreed
a really special way of writing the Greek Mythology. Also,SO FUNNY!
西海岸阳光100 回复 @遥望星空_梦瑶: *puts 2spaces between also, and so funny * me: zero two bruh
smilefish_va 回复 @霜晨月_4y: How did you get that picture of Percy
Soooooooooooooooooooooooo goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood toooooooooo be true
妈呀笑死了当时在讲Rhea的时候说她母亲形象突然冒一句西语la madre grande而且Jessi Bernstein突然一本正经地念出来笑死了
Wait if Demeter was a god why can’t she just she teleport persephone to her???
西海岸阳光100 回复 @1x642697m2048: You can't do that against a more powerful olympian
Don’t say cool it’s old
Zaxing 回复 @奥氏体不锈钢管5: it is educational
please read on,and persephone is not one of the 12 olympian gods,read on if you what to know more!!
西海岸阳光100 回复 @Cocoapuffs: Well it's Rick riordians job to let the reader read on or he wouldn't be so good