视听说1(第三版)Unit2_P24What sort of man do you like

视听说1(第三版)Unit2_P24What sort of man do you like


新视野大学英语 视听说教程1(第三版)

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P.24 Part2

Part 2

I: Excuse me, ladies. Do you have a moment?

W1: Yes?

I: Just a quick question. Research says that these days women prefermen with feminine faces …

W1: Really?

I: Yes. It’s true … honestly!

W1: I don’t agree at all. I like masculine faces …

I: Can I show you some photos?

W1: Sure.

I: So which of these guys do you like best?

W1: Hmm, Sean Connery. He’s definitely the best-looking man here. Andhe’s tall, isn’t he? Yeah … I like tall men. And I like a man with a beard.

I: Uh-huh. What about you?

W2: Mm. I’m not sure. I like this one. What’s his name?

I: It’s Gael Garcia Bernal. He’s a Mexican film star.

W2: Yeah? Well, he’s got quite a feminine face and he’s verygood-looking. I like his eyes – he’s got dark brown eyes and I like men withdark eyes and black hair. But I think it’s more in the personality … in thesmile … so I like this one best. Will Smith. He’s got a really nice smile.

I: Thank you. And here’s another lady. Excuse me. Have you got amoment?

W3: Well …

I: I’m doing a survey about the changing face of beauty. Can I ask yousome questions?

W3: Yes, OK. Yes.

I: I’ve got some photos here. Can you tell me which of these people youlike? Do you think any of them are good-looking?

W3: Well, I don’t really like any of them …

I: No? Er, well, so what sort of man do you like?

W3: What sort of man do I like? Well, my husband’s over there. I thinkhe’s goodlooking. I like his hair. I love guys with red hair.

I: Which one? The one looking in the shop window?

W3: No, he’s over there. He’s wearing a white T-shirt and he’s talkingto … that blonde woman …Excuse me …

I: And then I talked to some men to find out if they really preferblondes – just like they did 50 years ago. Do you think it’s true that menprefer blondes, sir?

M1: What? No, not at all! Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes andages. Look at this photo of Judi Dench. She’s lovely. She isn’t young, but she’sgot beautiful grey eyes and she always

wears beautiful clothes. She looks kind and intelligent.

M2: Yeah, she does. But I still prefer blondes, you know … likeScarlett Johansson. She’s lovely … slim, blonde hair, blue eyes – that’s thesort of woman I like.

M1: Scarlett Johansson, slim?

M2: Well, OK … but she’s not fat.

M1: No, that’s true …

I: OK, guys. Thanks for talking to us …


2. blonde, blue, dark, masculine

3. Woman 1: Sean Connery; Woman 2: Gael Garcia Bernaland Will Smith;

  Man 1: JudiDench; Man 2: Scarlett Johansson






Other aspects

Woman 1


with a beard


masculine face/best-looking

Woman 2


black hair

dark brown

feminine face/good-looking/nice smile

Woman 3


red hair



Man 1




lovely/beautiful clothes/kind and intelligent

Man 2


blonde hair




I = Interviewer; W1 = Woman1, etc.; M1 = Man 1, etc.

Part 2

I: Excuse me, ladies. Do you have a moment?

W1: Yes?

I: Just a quick question. Research says that these days women prefermen with feminine faces …

W1: Really?

I: Yes. It’s true … honestly!

W1: I don’t agree at all. I like masculine faces …

I: Can I show you some photos?

W1: Sure.

I: So which of these guys do you like best?

W1: Hmm, Sean Connery. He’s definitely the best-looking man here. Andhe’s tall, isn’t he? Yeah … I like tall men. And I like a man with a beard.

I: Uh-huh. What about you?

W2: Mm. I’m not sure. I like this one. What’s his name?

I: It’s Gael Garcia Bernal. He’s a Mexican film star.

W2: Yeah? Well, he’s got quite a feminine face and he’s verygood-looking. I like his eyes – he’s got dark brown eyes and I like men withdark eyes and black hair. But I think it’s more in the personality … in thesmile … so I like this one best. Will Smith. He’s got a really nice smile.

I: Thank you. And here’s another lady. Excuse me. Have you got amoment?

W3: Well …

I: I’m doing a survey about the changing face of beauty. Can I ask yousome questions?

W3: Yes, OK. Yes.

I: I’ve got some photos here. Can you tell me which of these people youlike? Do you think any of them are good-looking?

W3: Well, I don’t really like any of them …

I: No? Er, well, so what sort of man do you like?

W3: What sort of man do I like? Well, my husband’s over there. I thinkhe’s goodlooking. I like his hair. I love guys with red hair.

I: Which one? The one looking in the shop window?

W3: No, he’s over there. He’s wearing a white T-shirt and he’s talkingto … that blonde woman …Excuse me …

I: And then I talked to some men to find out if they really preferblondes – just like they did 50 years ago. Do you think it’s true that menprefer blondes, sir?

M1: What? No, not at all! Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes andages. Look at this photo of Judi Dench. She’s lovely. She isn’t young, butshe’s got beautiful grey eyes and she always

wears beautiful clothes. She looks kind and intelligent.

M2: Yeah, she does. But I still prefer blondes, you know … likeScarlett Johansson. She’s lovely … slim, blonde hair, blue eyes – that’s thesort of woman I like.

M1: Scarlett Johansson, slim?

M2: Well, OK … but she’s not fat.

M1: No, that’s true …

I: OK, guys. Thanks for talking to us …


2. blonde, blue, dark, masculine

3. Woman 1: Sean Connery; Woman 2: Gael Garcia Bernaland Will Smith;

Man 1: JudiDench; Man 2: Scarlett Johansson

  • 晨光搁浅lhz


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