


3691. really/ ‘riəli/ adv.事实上,实际上,真正地【He isn't really angry - he's just pretending. 他不是真生气——他只是假装的。】;(表示非常肯定)确实地,的确【He's really going to do it this time. 这一次他是真的要去做这件事了。】;非常,很,极其【This room is really hot. 这个房间里太热了。】

3692. protest/‘prəutest/ n.抗议,反对【She accepted the charge without protest. 她一声未吭地接受了指控。】;抗议活动【a public protest against the war 反战的公开抗议活动】;under protest 不情愿地【I only went to the meeting under protest. 我去开会是不情愿的。】;v. / prə’test/,【美音】/ prəu’test/ 抗议,反对【A big crowd of demonstrators were protesting against cuts in health spending. 一大群示威者在抗议削减医疗保健费用。】

3693. threat/ θret/ n.威胁,恐吓【Her parents carried out their threat to take away her mobile phone if her grades didn't improve. 她父母威胁说,如果她不能提高成绩,就要没收她的手机。】;be under threat of sth 受到…的威胁【She left the country under threat of arrest if she returned. 她离开了那个国家,并被警告说一旦返回就会被逮捕。】

3694. superficial/ˌsuːpəˈfɪʃəl/ , / sju:pə’fiʃəl/ adj.(人)浅薄的,肤浅的【He's fun to be with, but he's very superficial. 和他在一起很有趣,但是他见识很肤浅。】;表面的,浅显的,肤浅的【I thought that article was written at a very superficial level. 我认为那篇文章写得很肤浅。】;表面上的【There are superficial similarities between the two cars, but really they're very different in terms of performance.这两辆汽车表面上虽然相似,但事实上它们的性能相去甚远。】;仅在表面的,表层的【The driver only received superficial injuries. 司机只受了点皮外伤。】

3695. lizard/ˈlɪz.ɚd/ n. 蜥蜴

3696. vanish/ ‘væniʃ/ v.(尤指突然)消失,灭绝【The child vanished while on her way home from school. 那个小女孩在放学回家的路上不见了。/ Cheap rural housing is vanishing in the south of the country. 廉价的乡间住房在该国南部行将绝迹。】;

3697. toilet/ ‘tɔilit/ n.坐便器,马桶【Don't forget to flush the toilet. 别忘了冲马桶。】;厕所,盥洗室,浴室;卫生间【Someone's in the toilet. 卫生间里有人。】;梳洗打扮

3698. bath/ ba:θ/,/bæθ/ n.澡盆,浴缸;沐浴,洗澡【I took a bath this morning. 我今天早上洗了个澡。】;浴室;v.洗澡【I usually bath the kids in the evening. 我通常在晚上给孩子们洗澡。】

3699. bathe/ beið/ v.(尤指在河、湖或海里)游泳;洗,浸,泡【I bathed my feet in salt water. 我把双脚泡在盐水里。】;使沉浸于;笼罩【In the afternoon the sun bathes the city in shades of pink and gold. 午后,城市沐浴在粉红色和金黄色的阳光里。】;n.游泳,戏水【I went for a bathe every evening. 我每天晚上都去游泳。】

3700. can/ kæn/ modal verb 能,会 to be able to【She can speak four languages. 她会讲4门语言。】;可以,行,好【I don't know how he can afford a new car on his salary.我不知道他凭工资怎么买得起一辆新车。】;(表示许可)可以,能 = to be allowed to 【You can park over there. 你们可以把车停在那边。】;(用于请求)能,可以 【Can you make a little less noise, please? I'm trying to work. 请你别发出那么大声音好吗?我正在工作。】;(表示可能性)可以,能,会 【Smoking can cause cancer. 吸烟可能会导致癌症。】;(用于礼貌地提出帮忙)可以,能【Can I help you with those bags? 我帮您拎那些包好吗?】;n. (尤指圆柱形的)罐,筒,听,桶【a can of paint 一桶油漆】;一罐的量 = tin 【You'll need a can of tuna for this recipe. 做这道菜需要一罐金枪鱼。】;v.将(食物、饮料)装罐 【He works in a factory where they can fruit. 他在一家罐装水果的工厂工作。】

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