28 Little Red Hen 红色小母鸡

28 Little Red Hen 红色小母鸡


Little Red Hen

"Will you help me plant the wheat?" asked Little Red Hen.

"No," said the rat, the cat and the dog.

"Then I will plant it all by myself," said Little Red Hen.

And she did.

"Will you help me cut the wheat?" asked Little Red Hen.

"No," said the rat, the cat and the dog.

"Then I will cut it all by myself," said Little Red Hen.

And she did.

"Will you help me make the flour?" asked Little Red Hen.

"No," said the rat, the cat and the dog.

"Then I will make it all by myself," said Little Red Hen.

And she did.

"Will you help me make the bread?" asked Little Red Hen.

"No," said the rat, the cat and the dog.

"Then I will make it all by myself," said Little Red Hen.

And she did.

"Will you help me eat the bread?" asked Little Red Hen.

"Yes," said the rat, the cat and the dog.

"No," said Little Red Hen.

"I will eat it all by myself."

And she did!

  • 1390595egxf

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    Alliechow 回复 @听友198894168: 谢谢谢谢谢谢支持与喜爱