


冰雪奇缘2 FrozenII时隔六年终于上映了。

【节目全文可关注 威信号Zoey八点英语 回复 冰雪奇缘2 获取】


The story continues the adventures of Elsa, Anna, Kristoff and snowman Olaf. They set out on a journey far in the forest into the unknown, to find out the truth about an ancient mystery of their kingdom.

Something has been calling to her, and she knows she’s not fully what she’s supposed to be. But she’s feared to response to the calling because she doesn’t know what would happen to her kingdom.

Elsa, the past is not what it seems. You must find the truth. Go north, across the enchanted lands, and into the unknown. But be careful. We have always feared Elsa’s powers were too much for this world. Now we must hope they are enough. 

A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.
– John A. Shedd

Fear of the unknown…They are afraid of new ideas…They are loaded with prejudices, not based upon anything in reality, but based on…If something is new, I reject it immediately because it’s frightening to me. What they do instead is just stay with the familiar. You know, to me, the most beautiful things in all the universe are the most mysterious. 

  • 运来哈

    Zoey朱珠 回复 @运来哈: 早~

  • 想养一只暹罗猫


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @想养一只暹罗猫: 早呀~

  • 年少亦或是少年


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @年少亦或是少年: 早~

  • Attention_九月


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @Attention_九月: 早~ 你也是!

  • 葛绍磊


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @葛绍磊: 他们说得比较快,连读、略读、吞音之类的很多难分辨的

  • 米小ysf


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @米小ysf: 哈哈哈谢谢鼓励 遵命~

  • 1313016wvjq


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @1313016wvjq: 好呢你也是~

  • alone_soul


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @alone_soul: 早~~ 你也是!

  • 1393979pazc
