

Mercedes-Benz USA and Mattel Tackle Gender Stereotypes with 50,000 Girls and a Toy Car

"That's for boys, not for girls" – a social stigma Mercedes-Benz USA (MBUSA) and Mattel are determined to change, and they are hoping that donating 50,000 toy cars can help. Kicking off today for National STEM/STEAM Day, 50,000 young girls across the nation will engage in programs to challenge gender stereotypes that research shows can impact decisions later in life. It's all part of "No Limits," an initiative created by Mercedes-Benz in partnership with Mattel and the National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP), a network of organizations that encourages girls to pursue science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) careers.
The first "No Limits" programs launch today with special workshops in Atlanta, Los Angeles and New York City, where thousands of young children will be inspired to think outside of the box when it comes to career aspirations. Through February 2020, girls across the U.S. through more than 100 organizations will engineer toy racetracks, design cars, engage with female role models and attend STEM workshops through programs designed to expand how they see their future.
