Getting on in years

Getting on in years


Getting on in years, I look back on the past years every now and then, finding myself a total loser in career and life, which is bitterly tinged with mixed feelings, yet I have no alternative but to take it lying down. Be that as it may, I am obliged to pursue what I should do.

我年事已高,时常会回想过往岁月, 自感事业一败涂地,且生活苦不堪言,五味杂陈, 但我只好默默忍受。纵然万事不尽人意,我还要追求初心。
get on in years (advanced in years): 年迈; 高龄;年老的;上了年纪
look back on:回顾; 回忆;回顾过去;回首
every now and then:时不时地
be tinged with: 捎带有;带有……痕迹; 略带…感情(几分色彩)
mixed feelings:复杂的感情;百感交集;五味杂陈
have no alternative but to do (have no choice but to do): 除…外别无他法; 别无选择;不得不;只好
be that as it may: 就算是这样;即使如此; 尽管如此 
take it lying down : 服服贴贴;逆来顺受;默默忍受
be obliged to do:不得不做某事;迫不得已 

