121 Red roses - white roses

121 Red roses - white roses


It’s August. Anna is playing her guitar on the balcony of her new apartment. ‘I like it here,’ she thinks. Then her phone rings. It’s her friend Vicki.
‘I’m coming now, Anna. It’s Grandview Apartments, Charlton, isn’t it?’
‘That’s right. See you soon.’
Anna takes her guitar and goes out of her apartment. She goes down in the elevator and goes outside.

Anna is waiting outside the apartment building.

A young man is walking along the street. He is carrying a bunch of white roses.

Anna looks at them. ‘What beautiful roses!’ she thinks. 

Then she looks at the young man. ‘He’s nice too!’ she thinks.

The young man looks at her and smiles, and suddenly Anna’s face is pink.

Will is walking along the street, when he sees a young woman with a guitar.

‘Hmm - a guitar!’ he thinks. ‘I must play my guitar more often.’

Then he looks at the young woman.

‘She’s nice!’ he thinks, and he smiles at her.

Anna’s face is pink, and she looks away. Will goes into Grandview Apartments.

Just then, Vicki arrives in her car. ‘Hello, Anna,’ she says. ‘Are you OK? Your face is a bit pink. What’s the matter?’

‘Oh — er — nothing,’ says Anna.

They drive away. Vicki talks to Anna, but Anna is thinking about the young man.

‘Who is he?’ she thinks. ‘Does he live in the building? 

Who are the roses for? His wife? His girlfriend? His mother?’

‘Anna? Are you listening?’ says Vicki.

‘Oh! Sorry, Vicki,’ says Anna. Her face is red now. 

‘What are you thinking about?’ says Vicki. ‘Tell me!’ 

‘Well, I’m thinking about a bunch of roses,’ says Anna. 

‘And a man.’

‘Aha! Who is he?’ says Vicki.

‘I don’t know,’ says Anna.

‘But I want to know,’ she thinks.

Will arrives at his gran’s apartment.

‘Hello, dear,’ she says. ‘Oh, you are a good boy. You always bring me roses.’

‘Of course,’ says Will.

Gran makes Will some coffee. She asks him a question, but Will does not answer.

‘Will, are you listening? You’re thinking about something, aren’t you? What is it?’

‘Oh - sorry, Gran. It’s - it’s not important.’

Later, Will says goodbye to his gran. Then he gets into his car and drives away.

In the car he thinks about the young woman with the guitar.

‘Where does she live?’ he thinks. ‘Does she live in one of the apartments? Or has she got a friend there? How can I meet her? Who is she?’

Five minutes later, Anna and Vicki arrive outside the apartment building.

‘Goodnight, Vicki,’ says Anna.

‘Quick - go inside,’ says Vicki. ‘Just think - you walk out of the elevator, and there is a young man with a bunch of roses. And he says— ’

‘Oh be quiet,’ laughs Anna. ‘See you tomorrow.’

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