英文故事15 My Phone Spent 70K And I Never Noticed

英文故事15 My Phone Spent 70K And I Never Noticed



1. 故事生动有趣、有画面感。符合克拉申语言习得的“情感过渡假说”
2. 难度适中,都是高频词汇。符合克拉申语言习得的“i+1输入假说"
3. 提高用英语讲故事能力。一个人的讲故事能力(叙事能力),是演讲、采访、写作中的核心能力!


Thisis Donny. He’s no longer a teenager, but he still prefers to have zeroresponsibilities and to chill out as much as possible instead. In this respect,he’s got his life worked out perfectly. Donny’s a talented DJ, and he’s spent alot of time clubbing in different party towns around the world together withhis girlfriend – who’s a party animal just like him. But this is the story ofhow Donny “grew up” and achieved his parents’ dream for him, but without losinghis happiness along the way. Once, Donny was doing a DJ set in Ibiza with hisgirlfriend Luanne alongside him. He was glad to be at that particular party andknew it would be a great event to help promote his work. He was busy DJ-ing hishead off, and the night was a huge success. When he’d finished, he went off tocelebrate by partying all night long. By the end, he was exhausted, and heasked Luanne to call a taxi. Once they’d got into the car, Donny took his phonefrom his pocket to check the time.

