英语主播璐璐 回复 @奶糖味Ann安: 谢谢Jasmine一直以来的支持!
紫薇春晓 回复 @闲谭梦落花点水: 关注公众号 璐璐的英文小酒馆 里面有每一期节目的重点和节目全记录文本
While the term suggests that a metrosexual is heterosexual, it can be used to refer to anyone with any sexual orientation.(Wiki搬运工~)感觉跟metrosexual man在一块儿的话女性们的压力也很大
英语主播璐璐 回复 @AyaSherlock: 唉,我就有过比我skin care多一倍的metrosexual男性朋友,成天被鄙视😒
I'm not a metrosexual, and I am not sure whether I like that style or not. Maybe I prefer the kind of like retrosexual man.
One look at your bathroom I can tell you're definitely not a metrosexual.
Metrosexuals are just the straight man who are very well groomed.
Floor... However, I still don't know how to use the word exactly. For example, there is a man, and he is very manly. As far as I know, The man can take good care of his hair and skin. In this situation, can we use the word?
英语主播璐璐 回复 @iCyclone: really depends on your definition of “manly”. If you think being manly is related more to character, then metrosexual men can surely be very manly, but if you think manly is more about “fitting the conventional idea of a manly appearance”, then perhaps not