This is a new trial of 《World Tour》programme, combining travelling with TV series GOT . Today we centered on North Island and introduced these tourist attractions:
1. 托利莫尔森林公园 TollymoreForest Park
2. 黑暗树篱 The Dark Hedges
3. 莫尔山脉 Mourne Mountains
4. 沃德城堡 Castle Ward
5. 拉里贝恩采石场 Larrybane ChalkQuarry
6. 巴林托伊港 BallintoyHarbour
7. 库申登洞穴 Cushendun Caves
8. 莫洛海湾 Murlough Bay
9. 泰坦尼克工作室 theTitanic studio
Hope you enjoy it !
Special thanks to bilibili-uploaders:
for their video sound resources !