


Number 1-Time doesn't last forever. Procrastinators like to say that you have all the time in the world. When you look at all the years you have left, yeah, it's tempting to believe it, but time doesn't last forever. A life time only feels long until you've lived it, until those years have passed you by, because that's when you realize how little you actually accomplished, or how few of your goals you really achieve. 


You spent so much time saving your dreams for later, but later never came, and your dreams fell by the wayside. In life countless people take their time for granted. They're so concentrated on money, cars, and other luxuries that they forget how valuable that every hour of their time really is. Unlike those material goods, time is something you can only experience once. When an hour of your life has passed you by, you're never gonna get it back. 


Just think about all that time that you've spent mindlessly browsing social media. Mm-hmm. It's gone. Or the four hours that you wasted playing video games. Those are four hours that you'll never see again. So the next time you're distracted or procrastinating just remember this important lesson. No matter how you slice it, time doesn't last forever. 


Number 2-Change requires your best. Change, well, it isn't easy. It doesn't happen naturally. You can't sit around and wait for the universe to hand you the life that you've always imagined. There's only one way to make any kind of real progress. You need to take the initiative and you have to commit a hundred percent. So that means taking whatever risks that you need to take and working as long as you have to, because if you're not willing to give something you're all, then you'll never come out on top. 

Imagine, for example, that you want to be a professional athlete. You might think all you need to do is go to practice and play well during the games. But that's not enough. The more you want to achieve the more sacrifices that you need to make, the more time and effort you need to dedicate to realize your dreams. Now of course that can be scary. What happens if you invest everything you have but you don't make it? As an athlete you might spend extra time at the gym, change your entire diet, and learn all kinds of new techniques and you still might fail. 

That's a big reason why so many people stop trying or they take the easy road. They don't want to find out that all of their hard work was for nothing. But if you ever hope to accomplish your goals, that's a risk that you have to be willing to take.



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