【Top Words】10 Phrases to Help You in an Emergency

【Top Words】10 Phrases to Help You in an Emergency






 Hi, everyone. My name is Bridget, and welcome to today's lesson. The topic of today’s lesson is “10 Phrases to Help You in an Emergency.” Let's get started. 


 “Call the police, please.” If you are telling someone to call the police, it means you're telling someone to dial 911 to call the police or maybe there's police nearby and you tell someone, “Hey, call the police.” The police are there to help you in any situation that you might need them, maybe you're lost, maybe you lost your purse or your wallet, maybe you've been in a car accident. The police will help you. So, if you tell someone, “Call the police, please.” It means you need them to get the police for you. 


 “Do you have a fever?” If you are asking someone if they have a fever, you are asking them if their temperature is higher than is normal or safe. If someone has a fever, that may mean they have an underlying condition that needs medical attention. A fever may be a symptom of something much more serious. It's something you should always take seriously. So, if someone has a fever, you may want to take that person to the hospital. 


 “I lost my passport.” If you have lost your passport, it means you have lost the official document with all of your information that enables you to travel between countries. If you are in a foreign country and you lose your passport, that's a very serious thing because you may be stuck in that country. If you're not able to present a passport at the airport, you may not be able to go back home or go to another country. So, if you lose your passport you may need to call your Embassy to get a replacement. What I like to do when I travel is I take photocopies of my passport, so instead of carrying around my physical passport, instead, I just carry around copies of it so that my passport can stay at the hotel in some safe place. 


 “I think I ate something bad.” If you think you ate something bad, it may mean that you feel sick after eating it. You may have some form of food poisoning. If you think you ate something bad, you're going to want to watch your symptoms because if they last for a few days, you're going to want to go to the hospital. “I think I ate something bad.” 


 “I need a doctor.” If you say, “I need a doctor,” it means you need medical assistance, medical attention. You may be very sick. You may have eaten something bad. You may just feel sick in general. You may have a fever. If you say, “I need a doctor,” it means you want to be taken to a hospital or you want a doctor called to you because you're really sick or not feeling well. 


 “I can't find the way back to my hotel.” If you tell someone, “I can't find the way back to my hotel,” it means you're lost. It means you want to go back to your hotel but you don't remember the streets you took. You don't remember where it is. This is a common thing that happens in other countries, in other cities. If you have the address, you can ask just about anyone, “How do I get back to my hotel? Could you please give me the directions to get back to where I need to go?” 


 “Is there a pharmacy nearby?” A pharmacy is a place that has medicine, over-the-counter, and prescription drugs. If you're in another city, it's always smart to know where the pharmacies are in case you might need anything. Asking “Is there a pharmacy nearby?” you are asking where the nearest pharmacy is in case you need to go and buy medicine, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, vitamins, allergy pills, doesn't matter, a pharmacy will probably have it. 


 “Can you help me?” “Can you help me,” is a very, very useful phrase. Knowing how to ask for help is extremely important. If you ask, “Can you help me?” it lets other people know that you are in need of assistance of whatever kind. Asking for help is the first question, “Can you help me?” and another person will say, “Sure, what do you need?” and from there that's when you explain the problem you're experiencing. 


 “I am lost.” If you say, “I am lost,” it means you don't know where you are. You can't find your way. You don't recognize anything around you. You don't know how to get back to wherever you need to be. To say, “I am lost,” lets people know that they need to give you directions, that they can open up a map for you, and show you where you are. “I am lost” is a very useful phrase especially for people like me. I get lost all the time. I have a terrible sense of direction. So, to tell someone, “I am lost,” it welcomes their help in getting you back to safety, to wherever you need to be. 


 “I need an ambulance.” An ambulance is an emergency vehicle and its purpose is to get to a sick person and take them to the hospital. To say, “I need an ambulance,” means it's a medical emergency and you need that emergency vehicle to come and get you. 


 That brings us to the end of the lesson, “10 Phrases to Help You in an Emergency Situation.” If you guys have any questions or comments, please leave them below. Please subscribe to our Channel and don't forget to go to EnglishClass101.com to learn more English. 



