London's transportation network once set the pace 伦敦交通网

London's transportation network once set the pace 伦敦交通网


While recentlyrereading the adventures of the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes, penned byArthur Conan Doyle, it struck me how, long before smartphones and online cabhailing, the industrious elements of London society nonetheless managed to dashabout the city with a speed worthy of the Greek victory goddess Nike.


When Holmes, whocame to define the detective story genre, was hot on the trail of a clue in thelate 1800s and early 1900s, he was known to say "the game is afoot!"before flying into action.


But how did thecelebrated detective, in the era of horse-drawn carriages and steam engines,ever manage to catch up with his prey in cases that sometimes took him farbeyond the limits of London?


Simple. He had athis disposal an entire network of telegrams, all-hour cabs, trains, rentalbikes (in one case) and oceangoing vessels. So, of course, did his dastardlyfoes, including the archvillain Professor James Moriarty.


The thrivingmetropolis of London of the late 1800s, like Beijing today, relied on afar-reaching, intricate transportation web to give its residents, no mattertheir purpose, a means to get from point A to point B as quickly, and with aslittle effort, as possible.


Many a time, inthe midst of a howling London gale, Holmes would receive a late-night telegramregarding urgent business, delivered by a hearty agent whose work wasunaffected by weather or clock.


Holmes would, intypical fashion, call a cab, and not, I assure you, through Didi or Uber. Butwithin a quarter of an hour he'd be speeding headlong to the countryside toassist in a mind-bending murder investigation.


I contrast thisexperience with that of two cities in America with which I am intimatelyfamiliar — Omaha, Nebraska, and San Diego, California.


Both cities are,like Beijing, geographically sprawling.


But both suffer,and painfully so, from a dearth of the mass transit that allows Beijing to runsmoothly and reliably as clockwork.


Buses in these twoUS cities are slow, not well coordinated and infrequent. You could spend anentire day getting from one end of San Diego County to the other by bus. Taxisare expensive, and subways nonexistent. And while the Amtrak rail system canget you to Los Angeles in a snap, San Diego's intracounty travel is foreboding.


Like San Diego,Omaha — the home of Warren Buffett — is a spread-out city where a car is a mustdue to woeful public transit.


In London circa1880, the car was not yet an option, so the likes of Sherlock Holmes relied onthe city's well-oiled, massively interconnected transit system.


Still, reliabletransportation, though crucial, isn't everything. You may well wonder, as Ihave, whether Sherlock Holmes might have been even more awesome at solvingcases had he been able to use two other tools of today — the internet and thesmartphone.


Regarding theinternet, the answer would be a qualified yes, since Holmes was prone tolounging around his home and reading every newspaper he could get his hands on,in an effort to widen his knowledge base. However, he also disdained uselessinformation, in which the internet abounds, because he felt such things as thefact that the planets revolve around the sun wasted valuable cranial space.


As for thesmartphone, I hardly think he'd be a better detective if he'd had one. Holmes,after all, relied almost entirely on his well-sharpened powers of observationand deduction, which gave him the ability, at one glimpse of a passingstranger, to practically tell that person's life story.


Staring at asmartphone would not only have weakened his eagle eye, but also would havedistracted him from a crucial, and very immediate, engagement with everythingand everyone around him.


So while Holmes nodoubt would have fared even better if he'd had the Chinese connections affordedby Beijing's rapid and reliable transit, it's not likely he'd have had muchneed for today's gizmos and gadgetry.


Rather, thequick-witted sleuth relied on something so often absent today: goodold-fashioned brainpower.


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