1. 故事生动有趣、有画面感。符合克拉申语言习得的“情感过渡假说”
2. 难度适中,都是高频词汇。符合克拉申语言习得的“i+1输入假说"
3. 提高用英语讲故事能力。一个人的讲故事能力(叙事能力),是演讲、采访、写作中的核心能力!
故事8 Why You Shouldn’t Fear Dearth为什么你不应该害怕死亡
Lying in total darkness and unaware of hiscurrent situation
he had to rely on sounds to find out whatwas going on.
The surface he rested on was hard andcoarse, almost like rough sandpaper.
And his position was very uncomfortable;that much he could tell
Alex: "Is this blood?"
He had an iron almost metallic taste inhis mouth.