

You're in great shape, Keith.
Thanks. I guess I'm a real fitness freak.
in shape 健康,身材好
Oh, do you want to play sometime?
Uh….how well do you play?
Pretty well, I guess.
Well, all right. But I'm not very good.
No problem. I'll give you a few tips.

I am not very good.
I don't play well.

How are you?
I'm well.

couch potato 沙发土豆
fitness freak 运动疯子
sports fan 体育粉丝

Which kind of person are you? Why?
are you a couch potato, a fitness freak, or a sports fan?
I am a couch potato, I don't exercise enough 
Cumf ter bull

How often do you work out?
Every day.
Twice a week.
Not very often.

How long do you spend at the gym? 
(how long = 多长时间)
Thirty minutes a day.
Two hours a week. 
About an hour on weekends.

How well do you play tennis?
Pretty well.
About average.
Not very well.

How good are you at sports?
Pretty good.
Not so good.

How well do you (动词)?
How good are you at (名词)?
