Carmen the Talking Cockatoo|菲菲Faye_faye

Carmen the Talking Cockatoo|菲菲Faye_faye


發現一只表現欲極強的小可愛-鮭色鳳頭鸚鵡 Moluccan Cockatoo (Salmon-crested Cockatoo),與小夥伴們共同分享:)

Moluccan cockatoos are affectionate birds that bond strongly with their owners, thriving on the social interaction. It's a rather cuddly bird that can even be a little clingy at times. As pets, they really want to be just as close to their chosen person as they would be to a mate in the wild.

Origin and History
This species is native to the Moluccas (Maluku Islands) in Indonesia. They live in the lowlands and form large flocks, sometimes becoming a nuisance to farmers. A pair of Moluccans will mate for life and separate from the flock during the breeding season. It's known for a wild Moluccan to become very depressed after losing a mate.
Due to habitat loss and trapping for the pet trade, Moluccan cockatoos are an endangered species. Only captive-bred birds should be available to keep as pets.
This parrot stands out from the rest because of their salmon-pink feathers and brilliantly colored crest. Their beauty rivals their boisterous, comical personalities, but they need an owner who is completely dedicated to them.

Breed Overview
COMMON NAMES: Moluccan cockatoo, salmon-crested cockatoo
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Cacatua moluccensis
ADULT SIZE: 20 inches
LIFE EXPECTANCY: Up to 70 years

