52.1【精讲课】第10章 魔咒开始破除 (2)

52.1【精讲课】第10章 魔咒开始破除 (2)





第十章 魔咒开始破除(2)

"That's true enough, Mrs Beaver," said her husband. "But it's time we were out of this." (到了……的时间了) 

"And don't you start fussing(大惊小怪) either, Mr Beaver," said his wife. "There. That's better. There's five loads and the smallest for the smallest of us: that's you, my dear," she added, looking at Lucy.  

"Oh, do please come on," said Lucy.  

"Well, I'm nearly ready now," answered Mrs Beaver at last, allowing her husband to help her into; her snow-boots(雪地靴). "I suppose the sewing machine's too heavy to bring?"  (缝纫机太重了,不能带走)

"Yes. It is," said Mr Beaver. "A great deal too heavy. And you don't think you'll be able to use it while we're on the run(急急忙忙), I suppose?"  

"I can't abide(容忍) the thought of that Witch fiddling with(没有目的地拨弄) it," said Mrs Beaver, "and breaking it or stealing it, as likely as not(很可能)."  

"Oh, please, please, please, do hurry(表示一种强调)!" said the three children. And so at last they all got outside and Mr Beaver locked the door ("It'll delay her a bit," he said) and they set off, all carrying their loads over their shoulders.  

The snow had stopped and the moon had come out when they began their journey. They went in single file(一路纵队) --- first Mr Beaver, then Lucy, then Peter, then Susan, and Mrs Beaver last of all. Mr Beaver led them across the dam and on to the right bank(河岸) of the river and then along a very rough(崎岖的) sort of path among the trees right down by the river-bank. The sides of the valley, shining in the moonlight, towered(比……高出很多) up far above them on either hand. "Best keep down here as much as possible," he said. "She'll have to keep to the top, for you couldn't bring a sledge down here."  

It would have been a pretty enough (adj.+enough) scene to look at it through a window from a comfortable armchair(扶手椅) ; and even as things were, Lucy enjoyed it at first. But as they went on walking and walking --- and walking --- and as the sack she was carrying felt heavier and heavier, she began to wonder how she was going to keep up (坚持) at all. 



trickster 心地善良却和周围的人行为不太调和的角色,能够在故事情节种起到不一样的“笑果”,比如本书中的海里夫妇,《狮子王》中的彭彭、丁满和《花木兰》中的Mushu。

hero 主人公

mentor 主人公的导师/引导者

threshold guardian 阻碍主人公的坏人

herald 信使;宣告一个重要时刻的到来

shapeshifter 变化者(伪装成好人的角色)

shadow 影子;最坏的那个角色

  • 1355759fjav


  • kittyzh


    自古名将如妖孽 回复 @kittyzh:

  • jerry_mc

  • 浅蓝色_om


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    肖维青Sophie 回复 @张滋滋: 多多分享,多多推荐

  • 张滋滋


  • 是羡崽子呀


  • 自古名将如妖孽


  • 张滋滋

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