很搞笑的段子 回复 @晚安竹竹: 太贵了,我不买。
I just got home from work and I was going to go to the store and get some stuff for the kids and then I will be home jjjjjjjjjugygtt jjjhjjugtfexgjnh and I will be there in a few minutes if you want to come over and Uuhhhhhhh Ffffffffffffffffff
love笨笨时代 回复 @love笨笨时代: Hhhhghhhhrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I just got home from work and I got a new phone call from my office and I got a call from the office and they said they were going to call me back and they were going to call me back and they said they were going to call me back and they said they were going to call me
好听😊 太好听😃 好好听啊😁 实在太好听了😆
love笨笨时代 回复 @大猪蹄子子zt: Bhhhh7