Why does garlic make our breath smell bad?

Why does garlic make our breath smell bad?



 Your friend talks to you after lunch. He opens his mouth. OGH, whats that smell? Maybe he ate garlic.

 Some people love garlic. It has a delicious flavor. But there is a problem. After people eat it, they will have garlic breath. It is smelly! Why?

 There is a smelly particle in garlic. The particle is very small. It can go into your blood. Your blood then moves it to your lungs. When you breath, you have garlic breath.

  Did you know? Garlic breath can last up to 24 hours.

How to get rid of garlic breath? You can eat apples, lettuce, or drink some milk. They can help reduce garlic breath. These foods react with the smelly particle. This way, the smelly particle cannot go into your blood and lungs.

Healthy garlic

1) Kills bacteria   

2) Lowers blood pressure

3)Prevents heart attacks

Word Bank

1. garlic 大蒜

2. delicious 美味的 yummy/tasty

3. smelly 难闻的;stink 臭的;sweet 甜的;sour 酸的;bitter 苦味的; salty 咸的;greasy 油腻的; bland 清淡的

4. particle 分子

5. blood 血液

6. lung 肺

7. breath n 呼吸   breathe v 呼吸

8. last v 持续

9. lettuce 生菜

10. get rid of 摆脱,去除

11. bacteria 细菌

12. lower 降低

13. blood pressure 血压

14. heart attack 心脏病

