Loneliness 基础笔记

Loneliness 基础笔记




Old and young, single and married, rich and poor - anyone can belonely, irrespective of thenumber of friends, family and social contacts they actually have. Women,the elderly, the young, the single parent, the widowed and the unemployed aremost at risk.

Young mothers at home with childrenunder five are particularlyvulnerable to loneliness and depression because of the transition fromworking wife to housebound mother. Elderly people, particularly those who moveto a new area on retirement, may be isolated from their families and friends.Illness, disability and fear of going out alone also combine to turn manypensioners into prisoners in their own homes. Teenagers' natural shyness andself-consciousness may make them awkward in the company of their peers and theopposite sex. Single parents feel cutoff from a couple-orientated society. Divorce can be shattering to theself-esteem. With so many social contacts being made through work, unemploymentcan also lead to loneliness.



