名人名言解读 Happiness is a butterfly

名人名言解读 Happiness is a butterfly


Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.  —Nathaniel Hawthorne, American novelist
Paraphrasing(Andrew's Note)
It turns out that happiness is like a mystery. When you are eager to get it, it seems to stay away from you. However, when you take it in your stride, happiness just shines upon you. 

幸福有如蝴蝶,你追逐它时永远捉不到,你静坐下来,它却可能落在你身上。   —纳撒尼尔·霍桑,美国小说家

1) alight:if a bird or insect alights on something, it stops flying and stands on it〔鸟或虫等〕飞落
2) take sth in your stride(take sth in stride): to deal with a problem or difficulty calmly and not to allow it to influence what you are doing 从容处理,对…泰然处之;从容不迫
When you become a politician, you soon learn to take criticism in your stride.
When the boss asked Judy to stay late, she took it in stride. 
3)shine on : 照射在…上; 闪耀;闪耀光采;照在…上
4)It turns out that :  事实证明; 结果证明是;原来是;结果是

