17. 第十七篇 Promotion-朗读音频-英音

17. 第十七篇 Promotion-朗读音频-英音


PASSAGE 17Promotion

Before you askfor a promotion, be sure that you're doing all the right things to help ensurethat the answer will be positive.

1. Do a GreatJob.

How you performin your current position is going to be important when you're considered for apromotion. Excellent performance reviews and your reputation as anabove-average employee will carry a lot of weight when the company is makingstaffing decisions.

2. Be a TeamPlayer.

Volunteer to helpwith new projects in the office. Offer to help your boss and co-workerswhenever time permits. You'll be known as a team player and an individual thatcolleagues want to work with.

3.Don't MissWork.

Be on time forwork and don't take more time off than you are allocated. If you're known as aslouch and someone who misses more work than is appropriate, it will be heldagainst you.

4.Network and Get Noticed.

Attend companyparties and gatherings. The more connected and engaged you are with yourcolleagues, the more they will know about you and the more you'll stand outwhen it comes time to consider you for promotion.

Managers are morelikely to promote an employee they know well than a random applicant they don'tknow much about.






