绝望主妇 | 精讲第70期: 防火防盗防闺蜜

绝望主妇 | 精讲第70期: 防火防盗防闺蜜



Scene 1

Bill: "Hey listen, I'm about to break for lunch. How would you like to join me?" 
Susan: "Lunch?" 
Bill: "Yeah. Lunch." 
Susan: "Are you asking me out on a date?
Bill: "That sounds kind of formal for a burrito and a can of soda but, yeah, I guess I am." 
Susan: "Aren't you dating Edie?" 
Bill: "We went out on a date, we're not dating." 
Susan: "Oh." 
Bill: "So how about it? I'm buying

Susan: "Yeah. I just got out of this relationship with this guy, Mike, and it's kind of complicated. Anyway, I'm just not even sure where I am right now emotionally, I'm just all jumbled up and I don't think I could leap right into something new, relationship wise, you know, at the moment."

Bill: "Again. Just a burrito." 
Susan: "Sorry." 
Bill: "Okay, I understand. Sounds like you need a little time to reflect and heal." 
Susan: "I do. I really do." 
Bill: "Okay. I'll check back with you again tomorrow."

Scene 2

Susan: "Oh, Edie. Wait up, I, I want to ask you something."
(Edie continues to run, so Susan follows her.) 
Edie: "Can't stop, gotta keep my heart rate up."

Susan: "I was just wondering how you'd feel if I went out with Bill."
(Edie stops running.) 
Edie: "What?" 
Susan: "Um. Bill asked me out." 
Edie: "Bill? My Bill?" 
Susan: "Well, see that's the thing, he doesn't think of himself as "your Bill" cause he said that date was just a one time thing. Which I know because when he asked me out, I told him I thought you guys were involved."

Edie: "So, you haven't agreed to go out with him?" 
Susan: "No. No, I wanted to check with you first." 
Edie: "Wow. That was nice of you." 
Susan: "So, can I?" 
Edie: "No."
(Edie takes off jogging again. Susan runs after her.) 
Susan: "Edie! Edie, why can't I go out with him?"
(Edie stops jogging again.) 
Edie: "Because I saw him first." 
Susan: "Come on, that's a really 3rd-grade thing to say.
Edie: "Look, you asked my permission, I said no. That should be the end of it!"
(Edie takes off jogging again. Susan yells after her.) 
Susan: "Well, you know, technically, I don't need your permission!"
(Edie stops jogging and turns to face Susan.) 
Edie: "You know, I so much want to like you but you just won't let me." 
Susan: "Edie." 
Edie: "Susan, you know I try. I try to look passed your flaws, your klutziness, that, that faux vulnerability, your hair, but you look for ways to push my buttons."

Susan: "He just wants to buy me a burrito." 
Edie: "Susan, please. Let me like you." 
Susan: "Okay, I won't go out with him. I mean obviously you have feeling for him." 
Edie: "No, I don't. I really don't." 
Susan: "So what then? If you can't have him, nobody can?
Edie: "See? Now you're thinking like a friend."

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  • 佳卓Jessy

    6.look pass 有意忽略 7.I'll check back with you again tomorrow. 8.Wait up 希望别人等一下 9.be involved with somebody 投入很多 10.klutziness 笨手笨脚 11.faux(人造的) vulnerability 假的可怜 12.push my buttons 让人情绪激动,尤其是生气 13.wise 在名词后面表现在某一方面 relationship wise

    Anlansc 回复 @佳卓Jessy: Look past

  • 1515925gojg


  • 佳卓Jessy

    1.我来请客 I'm buying. I am on it. Let me take care of it.I have got this.It‘s my treat. 2.AA 制 let’s go dutch / split the bill /pay separately / pay our own share. 3.We went out on a date, we're not dating.约会过,但没有在一起 4.I'm just all jumbled up.我很混乱。 5.reflect on something 思考,深思熟虑

  • _Mohan_


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