Lesson 20.3 At the post office 在邮局
1. What’s the sizeand weight limitfor mailing a package? 邮寄包裹的大小和限重是多少?
2. Would you pleaseweigh this letter for me? 请帮我称下这封信好吗?
3. Put the parcel onthe scale, please. 请把包裹放在称上。
4. What’s the maximum weight allowed? 最高限重是多少?
5. The limit is 15pounds per package. 每包限重15磅。
6. Your letter is 10grams overweight. 你的信超重十克。
7. You’ll have topay 30 cents extra because it’s overweight. 你必须再付30美分的超重费。
8. Does the letterhave anything valuablein it? 信里面有贵重物品吗?
9. Are the contentsfragile? 里面有易碎物品吗?
10.Howdo you want to send it? 你想怎么寄?
11.Byregular mail? 寄普通邮件吗?
12.Doyou wish to send it by airmail? 你要寄航空邮件吗?
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