我老婆的的微店, 主营母婴和保健品:Dominic-xiaoying
U TUBE/B站: 铁蛋儿Tyler
A: Are you check any bags? B: Just this one. A: Please ___your bag on the ___
Hackersis 回复 @大嫂2004: check in
please place your bag on the scale
Good afternon!Where are you flying today? Los Angles. Ok. Are you checking any bags? Just this one. pls place your bag on the scale. Here you are.
甲:Good afternon!Where are you flying today? 乙:Los Angles. 甲:May i have your passport please? 乙:Here you go 甲:Are you checking any bags? 乙:Just this one. 甲:Ok plsase place your bag on the scale.
ClaireL0502 回复 @Ella_do: check-in, 不是 checking
Good afternoon. Where are you flying today? Los angeles. May I have your passport please? Here you go. Are you checking any bags? Just this one. Ok, please place your bag on the scale.
good morning where are you flighting today?LA.May i have your passport please? Here you go.Are you checking any bags?Just this one. OK please place your bag on the scale.
A: Good afternoon! Where are you flying today? B: Los Angeles. A: May i have your passport please? B: Here you go!
ROSA_jl 回复 @笨笨的惜: please place your bag on the scale