


一篇生活中的话题,听一听,你洗对澡了吗(选自China Daily)


For some people showering is the first thing they do each morning to get themselves ready to start the day. Other people prefer showering in the evening to make sure they're clean before they go to bed.


Whenever you choose to do it, most of us don't really think about what we're doing in the shower. However, how many of these mistakes are you guilty of making? 


1. Hot hot hot 热水

The hot water dries out your skin like you wouldn't believe, which can cause dry and red patches on your skin and in the long term creates wrinkles. 


Showering for longer than 15 minutes really is too long; your skin isn't made for this. People with sensitive skin are even discouraged from showering for longer than five minutes!


2. Soap residue 残留物

Many people make the mistake of not properly rinsing out their shampoo or conditioner. This soap residue can make your hair greasy and can cause irritation and itchiness. Then there's the fact that a lot of people forget to rinse their back after using conditioner, which can cause pimples on your back.


It's best to hang your head forward when you're rinsing out products. That way, you rinse it away directly instead of letting it travel over your body before it reaches the drain.


3. Damaging the skin on your head 

Massaging your scalp with your fingertips has a downside because if you scratch your nails on your head while doing this you can cause irritation and skin flakes.


This massaging movement can also activate the sebaceous glands, which causes your hair to become greasy more quickly.


4. Lotion  护肤乳

It happens to us quite often that we have a pretty dry skin when we get out of the shower (probably because we ignore tip number 1). That's why it's wise to rub some body lotion on your skin when you're done showering.


But did you know that it's best to apply the body lotion when your skin is still slightly damp? So, only dab your skin dry instead of rubbing it with a towel. The little bit of moisture that's left behind is absorbed by your skin along with the body lotion.


5. Prevent tangles 头发打结

There's nothing more annoying than wet, dripping hair after you come out of the shower. It's very tempting to just rub it dry with a towel. You're better off not doing that, though, because you'll be rubbing tangles into your hair, which makes it very brittle. Your hair will break more quickly and it will look very dry. 


Carefully wrap your hair in the towel and leave it to dry in there instead. It's even better to use a towel that's made out of microfiber; this will prevent fluff and is better for your hair.



