05 特斯拉中国和中国特斯拉,为什么都不行?【文化拓展版】

05 特斯拉中国和中国特斯拉,为什么都不行?【文化拓展版】


Tesla Faces Backlash in China After Price Cuts


Tesla faces criticism from Chinese customers complaining they ended up paying thousands of dollars more for their new cars because their purchase came before the company’s recent price cuts.


The backlash comes as the electric-vehicle maker is betting heavily on the country by building a factory in Shanghai.


A Tesla spokeswoman declined to comment. Tesla on Friday said anyone who bought a Tesla car before the price cut would get a 50% discount on the company’s autopilot or full self-driving options.


Some Tesla owners in China this week took to social media to attack the auto maker’s Feb. 28 pledge to lower global prices and its decision to shut most of its physical stores.


One video that went viral showed disgruntled Tesla owners unfurling a banner across the front of a local Tesla store. “Tesla’s prices are dropping unreasonably,” it said in Mandarin. “This is a violation of consumers’ legal rights."



















backlash /'bæklæʃ/ n. 强烈反应;强烈抵制

a strong negative reaction by a number of people against recent events, especially against political or social developments

• The management fear a backlash from fans over the team’s poor performances. 管理层担心球迷会对球队的拙劣表现做出强烈反应。


criticism /'krɪtɪsɪz(ə)m/ n. 批评;苛求

remarks that say what you think is bad about someone or something

• The government’s economic strategy has attracted a lot of criticism. 政府的经济政策招致了大量的批评。


decline /dɪ'klaɪn/ v. 拒绝,谢绝

to say no politely when someone invites you somewhere, offers you something, or wants you to do something

• The court declined to review her case. 法院拒绝复审她的案子。


autopilot /'ɔːtəʊ,paɪlət/ n. 自动驾驶仪

automatic pilot


option /'ɒpʃən/ n. 附件,配件

something that is offered in addition to the standard equipment when you buy something new, especially a car


pledge /pledʒ/ n. 保证,誓言

a serious promise or agreement, especially one made publicly or officially

• Parents make a pledge to take their children to rehearsals. 家长作了保证答应带孩子去参加排练。


go viral 走红;像病毒般扩散


disgruntled /dɪs'grʌnt(ə)ld/ adj. 不满的;不高兴的

annoyed or disappointed, especially because things have not happened in the way that you wanted

• I believe the fans have every right to be disgruntled. 我认为球迷有权利表现他们的不满情绪。


unfurl /ʌn'fɜːl/ v. 打开,展开

if a flag, sail etc. unfurls, or if someone unfurls it, it unrolls and opens

• to unfurl a flag 展开旗子


banner /'bænə/ n. 横幅,横幅标语

a long piece of cloth on which something is written, often carried between two poles

• The onlookers were shouting, cheering, and waving banners. 观众挥动着横幅,又是叫喊又是欢呼。


violation /vaɪə'leɪʃn/ n. 违反;妨碍

an action that causes harm or damage by treating someone or their possessions without respect

• Troops crossed the border in violation of the agreement. 部队违反协议,越过了边界。

