介绍: 一席英语出品
主播:Win(美国) 翩翩(中国)
Greetings that require physical contact—hug
Where are the hands at? 手搁哪?
How long is the hug? 抱多久?
what’s the context of the hug 拥抱礼,要分情况。
比如,Best friend’s wife,朋友妻,拥抱不拥抱?
a.When they’re first engaged ,give her a nice short hug.
b.When they’re at the wedding, give her a really long and emotional hug.
c.If she’s alone at home,I’m giving a very short and very simple hug.
1. Where are the hands at 拥抱时,手放在哪里?
a. 拥抱礼,有两种:
Full hug 满抱
Side hug: 边抱
2. 在什么场景下或遇见哪个国家的人,会脸颊碰脸颊 (check to check 叮叮两下)呢?
a.This is very European. 很欧式(欧洲国家比较常见)
b. You’re on a first name basis.( 关系比较亲,直呼其名)
3. 什么情况下会拥抱, 具体实用场景:
Work related :工作职场
* Co-worker hug 同事间拥抱
Only use hugs with people you’re close to(仅仅是熟悉的同事间,才会拥抱).
Not any co-worker. Even like a side hug (不熟的人,边抱也没有)
Boss offers the hug 与老板拥抱
Full hug is uncomfortable (满抱不是很合适)
Side hug is acceptable (边抱可以接受)
b. Friend related : 朋友之间
️Say Goodbye (再见时拥抱)
️Say hello (一般不会,除非很亲或是很长时间没见)
c. for everyone 任何人
This can be for everyone, especially in Texas(德克萨斯州)hugs are all around(到处都可以抱)
Social creatures 人类都是社交动物
If you don’t get that physical contact, it can actually be bad for your mental health 身体接触少的话,对我们的精神健康不利 �
Physical contact 身体接触
Mental health 精神健康
4. 拥抱时,双方的关系很重要 relationships
Underlying 下属
Minimize 减少
romantic implications 浪漫的感觉
Around the waist 拦腰抱!
如果,老板要拦腰抱女员工,大多都是想take advantage 占便宜。
1.let’s turn into side hug (这样表达也不会turn the boss down让老板没面子)
2. That’s a bit much(有点过了), here’s a side hug.
Where are the hands at 手放在哪里
a. 放在腰上 waist (恋爱关系)
b. 放在后背上或肩上 on the back or on the shoulder (比较普遍)
2. The time of the hug 拥抱多长时间
通常情况下 Two to four seconds 2到4秒钟足矣 再长就很尬啦 除非关系是灰常灰常亲密或者是好久不见
3.the Context of the hug 拥抱是在什么样的情境之下,你在哪里,和谁。。。
4. hover hugs (手不碰到对方身体) this is not actually touching .
Men is better to air on the side of cautious ,be careful just don’t put too much emotion or too much Intimacy ,this is way anyone feel comfortable.
怎么样 今天的收获是不是很多哇