What do people do in cold weather

What do people do in cold weather



Whatdo I do in cold weather?

Itry to warm myself up. I try to put on a fire, and drink nice hot chocolate ora cup of tea, just to keep myself warm. I think when it’s cold weather outside,it’s nice to be warm and cozy inside. So, get a blanket; I wrap myself in theblanket with my hot chocolate; read a good book or watch a great movie.


Whatdo I do in cold weather?

Ifreeze. Just kidding. Well, I usually like to stay inside during cold weather.I enjoy being warm and cozy in my house and I’ll get a hot cup of...a cup ofhot chocolate or hot tea and then I’ll sit down with a good book and enjoy mytime. But, you know, sometimes I do enjoy going outside and skiing in the snowor snowboarding; it’s all a lot of fun.


Whatdo I do in cold weather?

Well,I tend to stay indoors during cold weather. I don’t like the cold. In Taipei,it never gets so cold during winter. But here, it’s snowing. I don’t like thecold, so I normally just sit at home, watch TV and drink a hot cup of coffee.


Whatdo I do in cold weather?

Well,when it’s cold, I like to stay inside. Usually I like to read books whiledrinking a cup of hot chocolate. There’s nothing like a cup of hot chocolate ona cold winter’s day. And I also like watching TV and playing video games. Andit’s always important to wear a lot of clothes. 

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