纽约英语口语网 英语学习方法1-16

纽约英语口语网 英语学习方法1-16



在纽约英语口语网学习中,将句子背下来。句子是对话中的最小单位,里面包含了单词、句型、时态、固定搭配、惯用法、俚语等。然后再用单词替换,这样就能产生许多句子。按照你对话的情景来造句。反复将句子说出来,你的英语口语会提高非常快。一口流利的英语会使你的命运有所改变。纽约英语口语网 ny-yy.com

  • Sophia7256

    win 赢;胜利 Who do you think will win? We won the game by 2 points. Our team has had only two wins so far.

  • Sophia7256

    book 书;预订 I have to hit the books tonight, so I can’t go to the movies with you. I’d like to book a room for three nights, please.

  • Sophia7256

    lose 输掉;失去 The team played well, but still lost the game. Sadly, Tom lost his life in a car accident last week. Stay calm. Don’t lose your temper.

  • Sophia7256

    moment 时刻;一刻 I believe we’ll get the truth in a moment. What are you doing at the moment?

  • Sophia7256

    public 公众的;公立的;公众 We may not smoke in public places. She decided to send her son to a public school. The pool is open to the public from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m..

  • Sophia7256

    publicly 公开地 A few years ago, no one dared to talk about the incident publicly.

  • Sophia7256

    age 年龄;时代;历史上的某一时期;老化 John left home at the age of 25. We are living in a computer age. Mark is an expert on the history of the Middle Ages. He is aging fast because of his busy work.

  • Sophia7256

    whole 整个的;全部 Tell me the whole story. The whole of his story turned out to be false.

  • Sophia7256

    wholly 完全地;全然地 He didn’t wholly believe my explanation.