纽约英语口语网 英语学习方法1-1

纽约英语口语网 英语学习方法1-1



在纽约英语口语网学习中,将句子背下来。句子是对话中的最小单位,里面包含了单词、句型、时态、固定搭配、惯用法、俚语等。然后再用单词替换,这样就能产生许多句子。按照你对话的情景来造句。反复将句子说出来,你的英语口语会提高非常快。一口流利的英语会使你的命运有所改变。纽约英语口语网 ny-yy.com

  • Serius丶


  • Sophia7256

    time 时间,次数,回,选定时间 Time flies. He goes to the gym three times a week. Tom timed his visit to suit Judy’s convenience. My parents come to Taipei to see me from time to time.

  • 英法德意西


  • Sophia7256

    Man 男人,人,人类 Everyone agrees that John is a nice man . All men are born equal. Man is the cleverest creature on earth.

  • Sophia7256

    timely 适时地,及时地 This website provides timely information on traffic.

  • Sophia7256

    timing 时机 I don’t think the batter’s timing is very good.

  • 听友379992684


  • Sophia7256

    for 为了,赞成,因为 Those people are fighting for the freedom. Are you for or against the proposal? Jerry decided to stop for lunch first, for he was feeling hungry.

  • Sophia7256

    because 因为 I like him because he is polite. Because the bad weather, we couldn’t go anywhere.

  • Sophia7256

    will 将要,意志,遗嘱 Mr. Smith will arrive New York tomorrow morning. Nobody can question his will to win. A man made his final will a month before he died. You may go or stay at will.