Artificial Intelligence (3)SpotMini,the robot dog

Artificial Intelligence (3)SpotMini,the robot dog


Look at this robot. You might think it is scary. But it can do a lot of things. It comes from the US. Its name is SpotMini. SpotMini has four legs. It looks like a dog. It doesn't have a head. But it has a long arm. It can walk and climb stairs. It can do housework with its arms. For example,it can throw away garbage or bring you a drink. It can also open the door. The robot can do more things than a real dog.

The robot can even dance! It can do the moonwalk like Michael Jackson. The dance is very funny.

In the future,we might use SpotMini in our lives. For example,the robot can help to look after old people. It can also help to build a house.

Word Bank

1. robot n 机器人

2. scary adj 吓人的

3. climb stairs 爬楼梯

4. throw garbage 扔垃圾

5. moonwalk 月球漫步

6. funny adj 有趣的

7. future n 未来

8. look after 照顾

9. build v 建造

Height — 0.84 meters

Weight — 30 kg

Power — It uses battery (电池) It can work for 90 minutes with a full charge.

  • 陳圓王林
