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Electricity lights our homes. It runs our computers. It powers our machines. Electricity can be created without harming the planet. This is called green energy. Learn about four sources of green energy.
light v. /laɪt/ 照亮,点亮
run v. /rʌn/(使)运转
power v. /ˈpaʊ.ɚ/ 为…提供动力
green energy 绿色能源
Running Water 流水
This is a dam. Water rushes in. That causes machines in the dam to turn. The machines create electricity.
dam n. /dæm/ 水坝
rush v. /rʌʃ/ 急速行进
turn v. /tɝːn/ (使)旋转
Underground Heat 地下热能
This is a power plant. Water and heat within the Earth create steam. Steam is used to make electricity.
power plant /ˈpaʊ.ɚ ˌplænt/ 发电厂
within prep. /wɪˈðɪn/ 在…里
steam n. /stiːm/ 蒸汽
Wind 风
These are wind turbines. They can be in water or on land. Wind turns the giant blades. That powers machines. They create electricity.
wind turbine /ˈwɪnd ˌtɝː.baɪn/ 风力发电机
blade n. /bleɪd/ (机器上推动水或空气的)桨叶
Sunlight 日光
These are solar panels. They are placed on the sunny side of a roof. Solar panels collect sunlight. They turn it into electricity.
solar panel /ˌsoʊ.lɚ ˈpæn.əl/ 太阳能电池板
roof n. /ruːf/ 屋顶
Did You Know?
Each year, April 22 is Earth Day. There are many ways to help the planet on Earth Day. Here are a few.
Earth Day 地球日
Plant a tree.
Say no to plastic bags.
Help your family recycle.
Walk instead of driving.
Turn off lights.
recycle v. /ˌriːˈsaɪ.kəl/ 回收