

If something that you do pays off, it brings you some benefit 有回报的
privileges:   a special benefit that is available only to a particular person or group 特权
Maybe when the company gets more mature (成熟的), they can set aside more free time for themselves.
If you are interviewing for a sales position, the interviewer may ask you to act as a salesperson and the interviewer would pretend to be the client.
The Google campus in Mountain View, Calif., is considered the good life for employees. The company offers comforts, privileges and perks to its employees that workers at most other companies can only envy. But what may seem like luxuries are actually good business and Google can prove that because the company studies everything it does. 
The revenue of this high-tech giant was/reached 15 billion USD last year. 

recruit people = hire people
detailed information 详细的
Recruitment 招聘
dress appropriately 着装得体 
