1806写作能力 万题库版

1806写作能力 万题库版



  Directions: Forthis part,you are allowed 30minutes to write a short essay on theimportance of writing ability and how to develop it. You shouldwrite at least 120 words but no more than180 words.


  Writing is a skill tested in all major standardized educationaltests, including CET-4/6, TOEFL, IELTS, and so on. But there has been noshortage of reports from different sources that a large proportion of students,especially college students, have ill-performed writing skills, earningrelatively low scores in tests as well as on school assignments.

  In my opinion, writing is a crucial skill for students. It is areliable way by which one impart knowledge, suggest plans, fight for one’sidea, refute a theory, and many other purposes. So if you are good at writing,then you are able to fulfill the tasks above mentioned more effectively.Besides, noted writers, be they novelists, poets or editors-in-chief enlightenevery generation of readers with new experiences. That’s why readers todaystill discuss on and share their opinions on great books such as A Dream in RedMansions.

In anutshell, few skills are more important than writing in the current society. Somy suggest would be that every one, college students particular, takes time tohone writing skills, get more practice in it, so that we can live up to thesocial expectation of becoming socialist successors.

