067 Level 3 谈论喜欢的人-跟读版

067 Level 3 谈论喜欢的人-跟读版


1. I like Darren. He is like a young version of Vin Diesel! 我喜欢达伦。他长的很像年轻时候的范迪塞尔。

2. My favorite person is my roommate: he is everything I wish I could ever be! 我最喜欢的人是我的室友。他是我心目中自己最理想的样子。

3. Graham Norton has what many people consider ideal charisma. He can make people from all walks of life like him! 格拉汉姆诺顿具有我们称之为最理想的个人魅力。他能让社会各阶层的人都喜欢上他。

4. What makes him so likeable is his self-deprecation. 自嘲是他人见人爱的主要原因。

5. Whether its a big smile, a sense of humour, or another particular trait, we all have something that others could fall in love with. 要么是甜美的笑容,或者是幽默感,又或者是别的特质,我们每个人都有一样品质让他人欣赏不已。

6. I am not sure if I am more of an introvert or extrovert. 我也不是很确定自己是内向还是外向。

7. Jack can make everybody feel things are all under control just by being there!杰克只要人在场,就会让所有人感觉一切都在他的控制之下。

8. I know this may sound shallow, but physical appearance really plays an important role in deciding if I like a person. 我知道这可能听起来很肤浅,但是长相很大程度上决定了我是不是喜欢一个人。

9. Keith is a lot of things but not a liar. Thats why I like him. I hate it when people lie to me.  基思绝对不是一个骗子。这就是为什么我喜欢他。我特讨厌别人在我面前撒谎。

10. I like my friend Dora. She is the most sincere person you could ever meet. 我很喜欢我的朋友Dora。她是你能遇到的待人最为诚挚的人。

