We Go as the Artemis Generation

We Go as the Artemis Generation


50 years ago we went to

the Moon.

We called it Apollo.

What many people don’t

know is that Apollo had a twin.

She was a woman

named Artemis.

Goddess of the Moon.

We are returning

to the Moon...

as a new generation

of explorers.

This time to stay.

And to prepare, to achieve

humanity’s next giant

leap, of sending the first

human missions to Mars.

We believe our course will

redefine what is possible.

That we will

discover Life saving,

Earth changing science.

And that the challenges

ahead will inspire generations.

This is our manifest.

For all who wondered

if we could return...

For all who dreamed

about pressing beyond...

this is your calling!

We go, for all of America

We go.

We go, as the

Artemis generation.

We Go!

