19. 被困山洞

19. 被困**




Brief Introduction:


Chapter 19

The crash of the dam bursting was earth-shaking (震天动地的). Water roared into the cavern.

The powerful moving wall of water knocked down a pillar as Flynn ran. Dashing at top speed (全速), he caught up with (追上) Rapunzel and Pascal. Flynn grabbed an armload (一抱之量) of Rapunzel’s hair as the two ran for cover (找地方躲). The Stabbingtons were washed away (被冲走) in a flood of water.

An enormous (巨大的) pillar cracked and began to topple (倾倒) under the power of the rushing (急流的) water. Rapunzel and Flynn had ten feet (英尺) to get to the safety of a small shelter (避难所), a sort of (一种) cave—but the pillar was falling right toward them. Their legs pumping (急速摇摆), Flynn and Rapunzel took one last mighty leap. The pillar crashed down just behind them as they ducked into (躲进) the cave. They covered their heads as an avalanche (崩塌) of broken rocks showered (纷纷洒落) down and blocked (挡住) the entrance.

The palace guardsmen and Maximus were swept away (冲走) in the rushing water outside.

Flynn and Rapunzel were safe for now, but the tunnel’s entrance was blocked by the rubble (碎石) from the fallen pillar. Flynn, Rapunzel, and little Pascal were now sealed (封闭) inside a rocky cavern.

The sealed cavern did not protect them from the rushing water. Within minutes, Flynn and Rapunzel were waist deep (齐腰深) in water—water that was rising quickly. Flynn dove down, searching for an exit. He hardly noticed the huge gash (深而长的切口) on his hand as he grasped for any opening among the jagged (凹凸不平的) rocks.

“It’s no use,” he said, gasping, as he emerged from (浮出) the dark water. “I can’t see anything.”

Rapunzel took a deep breath. She was about to dive underwater when Flynn took her wrist (手腕). “Hey, look,” he said, “there’s no point, Blondie. It’s pitch-black (漆黑的) down there.”

Flynn and Rapunzel looked at each other helplessly (无助地). Having come so far together, they would die together in this little cave.

“This is all my fault,” Rapunzel said. “Mother Gothel was right. I never should have done this. I’m so sorry, Flynn.” Rapunzel couldn’t help thinking of Mother Gothel’s warnings (警告) about the world outside the tower, and yet … Mother Gothel had been wrong about some things. She had told Rapunzel that the tavern thugs and Flynn were evil, but the thugs had become her friends, and Flynn—

“Eugene (尤金),” he said as he grasped Rapunzel’s hand. It was a dying man’s confession (坦白). “My real name’s Eugene Fitzherbert (尤金·弗里茨伯特). Someone might as well know.”

After a moment of silence, Rapunzel blurted out (脱口而出) her own secret: “I have magic hair that glows when I sing.” She couldn’t believe it—she had broken one of Mother Gothel’s rules by telling Flynn about her hair!

“What?” Flynn wasn’t sure he’d heard her correctly (准确地).

“I have magic hair that glows when I sing!” As she spoke, Rapunzel realized that her hair might help them find a way out of the cave.

Flynn stared at her speechlessly (不说话地) as she began to sing. Within (在…之内) moments, her hair started to glow, lighting up the cave.

Rapunzel took a deep breath and dove underwater, lighting their way. Following her, Flynn saw a small opening in the corner of the cave. He took her hand and they swam to it. Yanking at stones with all his energy, Flynn broke through (冲破,突围) at last.

The water burst through the opening, carrying Flynn and Rapunzel out into the river.

Coughing and gasping (喘气) for air, Rapunzel, Pascal, and Flynn threw themselves onto the riverbank (河岸). Lying face down, the three took a few moments just to breathe.

“I’m alive!” Rapunzel choked out (哽咽着说出).

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