

76. What is your name please? 您叫什么名字?
77. What is your nationality? 您是哪国人?
78. How old are you? 您多大年纪了?
79. Has your back hurt in the past? 您以前腰痛过吗?80. You are suffering from a disorder of the lumbar vertebra. 您得的是腰椎关节紊乱。
81. The cost for each session is``````` 一次治疗费为······
82. Please pay here. 请在这儿交费。
83. Please come again for your next session tomorrow morning. 请明天上午再来做治疗。
84. You need treatment three times a week. 您一周需治疗三次。
85. There are ten sessions in one course of treatment. 十次治疗为一个疗程。
86. Massaging can ease your present discomfort. 按摩治疗可以消除您现在的不适。
87. After your aches have disappeared , you will require a few more intensive sessions. 疼痛消
88. Please raise your shoulder as high as possible. 请使肩关节尽量上举。
89. Massaging is beneficial to numerous illnesses. 按摩治疗对许多病症都有效。
90. When you return home , please ensure that you have plenty of rest. 您回家后,请保证多休
91. How long have you been aware of this pain? 您感觉这种痛有多久了?
92. Has this pain spread to other areas? 疼痛向其他部位扩散吗?
93. Please bend your knees and hip. 请屈膝、屈髋。
94. When you are lying flat , with you stomach raised upward , does your back hurt? 躺平,腹
95. The area around my wrist has been hurting in the last few days. 这几天,我腕关节周围疼
96. Are you normally afraid of the cold? 您平常怕冷吗?
97. My back normally feels the cold. 我平常背部发凉。
98. This part on your neck is turned sideways. 您颈椎这个部位偏歪。
99. Do you feel better now? 您现在感觉好些吗?
100. You need the massage treatment for a period of time. 您需要按摩治疗一段时间。
