087 Llevel 3 人口问题-跟读版

087 Llevel 3 人口问题-跟读版


1. Never before in history has there been so many people on the planet as now. 在历史上,地球从来没有像此时此刻一样人口数量庞大。

2. Nowhere is the decreasing of population more noticeable than in Japan. 人口削减,在日本表现的最为明显。

3. Is a falling population a catastrophic concern? 人口衰减是一个毁灭性事件吗?

4. Many people believe that China is now facing a demographic problem that will affect its economy. 很多人都认为中国现在面临的人口问题会直接影响其经济。

5.The US population is expected to grow significantly older by 2050. 美国人口预期在2050年会大步进入老龄化。

6. By 2050, our demand for water will have increased by more than half.  到了2050年,人类对水的需求会是现在的一点五倍。

7. If we continue on the current path, we will only have 60% of the water we need to sustain us by 2030. 按照现在的趋势,到了2030年,人类就可用的水资源就只有需求总量的六成。

8. It just blows me away that a family in China used to be allowed to have only one child!中国每一个家庭过去只能有一个孩子,这的确让我大吃一惊。

9. We cant talk about population problems without mentioning Malthus, who proposed that human population grows at an exponential rate while our ability to provide food grows at a linear rate. 说到人口问题,不得不提马尔萨斯。他指出人口增长是几何级数的,而我们提供食物的能力增长则是线性的。

10.The mounting pressure of feeding the ever-growing human population demands technical breakthroughs. 需要为日益增长的人口提供足够粮食的压力呼吁着科技突破。

