①O O O,Oo is for ox,o o o,Oo is for octopus. ②The Oo says /o/,The Oo says /o/,Every letter makes^ a sound, The Oo says /o/.③Oil ,oil orange, Orange, orange ,oil .You see an^ orange Beside the oil.
单词:ox 公牛,octopus章鱼,orange, otter水獭,olive橄榄, oil油
●韵谣:①P P P ,Pp is for pig, p p p,Pp is for panda. ②The Pp says /p/, The Pp says /p/,Every letter makes a sound, The Pp says/p/.③P for peach, Q for queen. A peach for each, And one for the queen.
单词:pape,pig, panda,peach,pan, pen,puppy,pink